Wednesday, March 31, 2010

101 Uses for a Dead Brother...

My father died in 1992. He hadn't told any of us his wishes, nor had he left a will. Basically, his ashes stayed in my mom's closet (or hall closet, or the trunk of her car) for about 8 years. This is not to say that he did not have "field trips" upon occasion...

My brother Marty was diagnosed with colon cancer in 1999, and was told it was terminal in April of that year. Given the fun we'd had with the Dead Dad, he and I had some discussions about what I would do with him after he ran down the curtain and joined the choir invisible.

This blog will lead up to his final wish, which finally this year I hope to be able to fulfill.

Now, some of you might be saying, "Okay, this is twisted." And it is. I'm paying a therapist a great deal of money to work through my issues. And I'm not saying it's going to only be 101 uses. I'll have to see what I come up with. Also, suggestions are more than welcome.

So welcome to the dark and twisted world of fun with dead relatives.