Sunday, April 25, 2010

Use 11: Hat

You know how they used to have girls walk while balancing a book on their heads, in order to teach them poise and grace? Well, we tried it with DB, and didn't work out so well. But where there is a will, there is a way, and the ingenuity of a bunch of Georgia Tech grads with duct tape solved our problem.

Our hat model, Mike, patiently waits while his personall dressers, Twitch and Wes, attach the DB to his bald noggin with the duct tape -- truly, the all purpose tool.

And viola! Instant DB headgear. The silver really sets off the engines on Mike's Turtle Serenity t-shirt. And it made his eyes sparkle. Srsly.

1 comment:

  1. If having a dead guy duct taped to your head doesn't make your eyes sparkle, I don't know what will!
