Friday, October 15, 2010

Use 23: Fox News Anchor

I mean, seriously, would anyone even notice?

Use 22: Coaster

Me: So I've come up with a new use for Dead Brother.

Husband: What?

Me: Coaster.

Husband: Why coaster?

Me: I found a coffee cup stain on him.

Husband: How did that happen?

Me: (Blank stare, pause). Because someone *put a coffee cup on him.*

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Use 21: Dead Lord of the Sith

Judge him by his size, well you should not.

(Anyway, despite appearances, he weighs a surprising amount. So what he lacks in volume he compensates for in mass.)

No, Live Sister is still alive....

I know I haven't been around for nearly 2 months, but it's not like Dead Brother is gonna decompose any more than he already has.

But I am currently unemployed (which both rocks and sucks at the same time) and I have been stockpiling adventures for me and the DB.

Your patience will be rewarded. TRUST ME.